Saturday, April 20, 2013

Racing is getting closer and closer

First race in less then a month now, pretty stoked! I just can't wait to hammer the trails. Unfortunately we can't ride the trails here just yet as there is still some snow and ice over there. The weather is weird. Yesterday was super hot, 25+ C, riding with summer gear, even getting my first tan lines for the year. Today it's raining and 5 C...

Yesterday was another good training session. Numbers are up there where they should be and my form is awesome. I pay a lot of attention to rest, food and sleep. Things on which I should blog in a near futur. But today, I am going to adress my last equipement choice before the season starts.

I want a new oakley lens tint. I currently use the basic grey one and I am wondering if it will be good on the trails with the shadows and covered condition when riding in the woods. It seems to lack a bit of protection in direct sunlight. I also have fire iridium on my jawbones but they are too dark for the woods. So now I think I am going to keep the grey (radars) for trail riding and get a darker tint for sunlight.

Not sure which one I should get though. Positive red iridium, blue iridium, ice iridium, fire iridium, black iridium? Or should I just keep the grey ones for sunlight and get a more contrast oriented lens tint, like G30, VR28, high intensity persimmon, G26 iridum...


  1. Hi,

    Only just picked up on your blog after a link from WW website (thread about XC specific training) lots of interesting thoughts and workouts to look into.

    Dunno if you sorted your Oakley lens choice out but +ve red iridium are awesome when the sun's out. VR28 is the best base for a MTB specific lens I think, use them for racing here in the UK. Another good lens are the photochromic ones.

    Anyhow - great blog and I'll keep looking out for fresh posts!



  2. Hey!

    thanks for the comments!

    I went with blue iridium, very nice contrast tint in the woods and not too dark! I love it so far.
